Rowing is a strength/ endurance sport which means that developing strength is an essential element that should not be omitted from any training regime. Strength training as part of a well designed training programme is vital for the development of strength, power and speed in the boat. However, it is much more than that. Rowing training alone can lead to the over development of certain body parts and underdevelopment of others leading to an increased risk of injury. Tightnesses in certain areas and lack of strength in others can similarly lead to injury. I see all too many rowers have to take time away from the sport they love because of injury in this way.
Over the last fifty years, strength training for rowing has evolved from endurance circuit sessions to workouts utilising techniques more similar to those used by weightlifters, power lifters and the like. No other sport requires the same level of strength and conditioning to perform at the best level and as performance increases, the general club circuit session or some circuit you found online simply won't cut it.
Almost anyone involved in the sport of rowing would get something out of strength training with Improve PT,
but here's a few specific examples...
> Masters rowers with medical conditions who are unsure how to safely adapt their training - your coach would hold a GP Exercise Referral Qualification.
> Those who have suffered rowing related injuries such as back pain or shoulder injury.
> Anyone competing who's looking to go faster in the boar or on the erg and no amount of technical improvement is helping.
Strength training for rowing is available at our private studio in Wavertree, Liverpool. Individuals and small groups (upto 4) are welcome here to undertake their strength training. The studio is well outfitted with Concept 2 ergometer, barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, squat rack and much more. It is well located near the end of the M62 motorway.
Using services such as Zoom, Skype, Facetime and Whats App Video, strength training can come to your own home or fitness facility whether that be a home gym, appartment gym or rowing club gym. I can guide you through your workout as though I was there in real life, watching your technique, guiding your workout and encouraging you to complete a workout to your best potential.
Comfortable with your own technique and motivation to train alone but not sure of how to design your workouts? I can also provide training programmes for you to follow alone which we would review at regular set intervals.