IMPROVE YOUR PRE/ POSTNATAL FITNESS: Ante Natal Exercise and Post Natal Exercise, read on...
By undertaking the correct exercise regime before, during and after pregnancy, mothers can enjoy fewer complications from their pregnancy, improved ability to regain their pre-pregnancy shape
following childbirth and can limit weight gain. Here are a few of the specific benefits of pre natal exercise and post natal exercise…
- Abdominal toning and recovery – you can improve muscle tone to the abdominal muscles to return your flat tummy, improve your posture and rescue lower back pain,
- Be better prepared for childbirth – giving birth has been likened to running a marathon (which you wouldn’t do without training!) so getting into good fitness before you give birth could aid
childbirth and possibly even shorten the length of your labour. There is even some evidence that exercising mothers suffer fewer complications and need less pain relief during childbirth.
- A healthier baby – The babies of exercising mothers have been shown to have better vital functions, including an improved heart function and are leaner, with fewer fat cells.
- Reduced risk of pregnancy related conditions – you have less chance of contracting various veins, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.
- Improved sleep – You’re carrying extra weight so finding a comfortable sleep position can be a challenge, but exercise will burn off excess energy and lull you into a better sleep.
- Pelvic floor strengthening and recovery – these exercises can reduce incontinence and improve your sex life.
- Increased stamina – Being fitter and stronger can reduce fatigue and increase your ability to cope with your upcoming labour, plus later activities of daily living, such as lifting, carrying and
feeding your baby.
- Improved self-esteem,
- Enhanced mood – studies have shown that endorphins from exercise and fresh air come together to help lift your mood after childbirth.
- Reduced body fat following childbirth, returning to pre-pregnancy shape and weight faster.
- Reduced change of back injuries, through strengthening certain muscles, stretching tight muscles and learning correct lifting techniques.
You may not be happy with some of the changes your body is undergoing, or you may wish to enjoy some of the benefits mentioned above. If you are interested in options such as 1-2-1 personal
training sessions, or partner sessions with a friend in the same situation then please contact us by clicking here